Make a 4th of July Necklace

Pat and I have decided to have a big 4th of July party. As I was thinking through all the preparations, I realized that I didn't have any patriotic jewelry for the occasion. Obviously, there's plenty of cleaning and yard work to be done, but I halted everything to make myself a red, white, and blue necklace.

And, since I figured that there are likely loads of people without Independence Day jewelry; I filmed the process of creating a steal-the-show star necklace.
You can watch how to Make your own 4th of July Necklace on YouTube or in the above player. 

The process was easy enough. The stars were cut from thrift store cookie tins with tin snips. What took the most time in making the necklace was filing and sanding the edges of the tin. Once they were butter-smooth, holes were punched so the stars could be joined together and chain added. Easy-peasy!

Now that the necklace has been made, I just need to clean every square inch of the house, make sure everyone knows they're invited, sew some bean bags, go to the grocery store, clean and decorate the pool area, set up tables, finish yard work, buy fireworks, make side dishes, ice drinks, and all the other party prep I'm sure I haven't considered yet. But, at least I know I'll be beautifully adorned!

In fact, I like this necklace so much - we may have to have a party for every patriotic holiday! Ha.

If you have any questions about the steps I took to make this pretty little thing, please don't hesitate to let me know.

And y'all, have a safe and happy 4th of July!


  1. Love this.... Have a wonderful 4th Hope!! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Chelle! We had a fun day (except for a downpour right at the start of the party). And, we've enjoyed vacation ever since. Hence my delay in responding - SORRY!

  2. I think you have managed to make a piece of holiday jewelry that is desirable to both teens and adults too. I hope you have fun wearing it

    1. Thanks so much Divya! I wore it most of the day and loved that it was lightweight on a hot summer's day.

  3. Cute Hope! I hope you have a fun party!!

    1. Thanks Jenna! Parties here always feel so chaotic to me. I worry that I'm not spending enough time with each of the guests. But, I was told that everyone had a great time so I guess it all worked out.

  4. Adorable and very snazzy. I love patriotic things! Happy Independence day to you!

    1. Aw, thanks Leslie Anne! We had a wonderful day. I hope you did too :)

  5. That is one pretty necklace and perfect to be worn for the forth of July or even when you are in the mood for a little bit of patriotic wear.

    1. Yes! I know it'll work well for Labor and Memorial Days as well as election day(s). It becomes a bit more versatile when I think that way. And, I can always turn it backwards for just a star necklace. Thank you so much for your kind words and for stopping in.

  6. Oh my you have so much to do for the party, but it sounds like it's going to be a ball and you'll look amazing to with that awesome necklace. Great idea. Happy almost 4th of July, hope your party is a huge success and that you at least get to enjoy it after all the running around you must have been doing

    1. Michelle, Thank you! The party went over well and we finished all the tasks faster than we anticipated. So it was great to have a little down time before everyone got to the house. I appreciate you coming by for a peek!

  7. Judging from your post, the making of this necklace was the most difficult of all chores for the 4th of July ;) Frankly, I wonder how you could even squeeze it in! Happy 4th of July!

    1. Ha! It was the most fun of the tasks I had to do too!! So, it was a nice break from some of the more boring chores. Thank you for stopping in as always! :)


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