Challenges and Prompts for March 2018

Did you know it's National Craft Month? I had no idea until I saw Andrew Thornton's post about a challenge for the month. That made me realize that I've got quite the list of a few challenges going on and that you might want to see that list and get in on the action.

~ There's the 30 Day Bead Challenge going on over at Fusion beads that Andrew mentioned in his post. Clicking the challenge's link will give you a better view of the calendar. I don't think it's too late to hop on the bandwagon with this one. In fact, I think I'm going to use this calendar to inspire the restocking of my bead box.

Earrings Everyday has announced the theme for the We're All Ears March Challenge. The reveal is on March 16th.
~ Sarajo at SJ Designs Jewelry has a challenge each month as set forth by her husband (how awesome is that!?) called the Honey Do List. She's just revealed the March Honey Do List Inspiration, and I LOVE IT! She'll have a linky tool set up on March 26th if you want to participate. 
~ Over at Art Elements, they've switched gears a little bit. Instead of a specific component of the month, they've decided to offer up themes open to any art medium. The March Theme of the Month is Nests with a March 31st reveal date. 
~ Finally, it's not in March, but The 100 Day Project begins on April 3rd. I participated last year with my #Make100Earrings contribution. I'm not sure if or what I'll do this year, but I'm thinking on it. 

Oh, and if you're just looking for some inspiration for National Craft Month, I found that FaveCrafts is sharing a new craft project every day

If you know of any other challenges, jewelry-related or not, that should be added to this list; please let me know! Are you planning on participating in any of these?


  1. Your challenge reminder posts are so useful. I participated in the ornament hops after seeing your post and got a lot of visits to my blog. I will try and participate in a few of these as well. Thank you for sharing :)

  2. How fun... I am in the process of moving so I am hoping I can start the 100 days in April. Crossing fingers...

  3. I am determined to do at least 2 of those challenges + the Bead Peeps Hop even though my camera broke, I am behind on blog posts and I had a craft show last weekend. Hopefully, I can make more...


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Winding down the 100DayProject

I awoke the other day with many thoughts about the 100 Day project and decided to jot them down here to share with you. Some of the bits I g...