I'm a Jewelry Superstar!

Exciting News!!

Several weeks ago, I was contacted by Cat from Cut Out + Keep to see if I would be interested in being their Jewelry Superstar for a week.

Would I!? Cat asked me to put together seven tutorials to be shared over a week's time. I hinted at these projects on my September Goal Review and on a WOYWW post.  This is the week! My first tutorial went live yesterday, along with an artist interview and links to some of my social media.

Here's what Monday's tutorial was, a Button Bangle.

And, today's tutorial of Sweet Key Earrings has already been revealed as well.

You'll have to check back throughout the week to see what other tutorials I shared. And, while you're on the site, take a minute to explore. There are a ton of great tutorials and inspiration!!

I'd like to thank Cat for asking me to participate in this. It's been a pleasure and an honor. Thank you!

Now, go check it out and let me know what you think!


  1. Awesome! Wow, 7 tuts are a lot of work- Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see what else you come up with :-)

    1. Tammie, Yeah seven is a bunch, but it helped inspire me and get some stuff done. As well, she said I could use tutorials I had posted previously. But, I didn't care for any of those and went with all new stuff! Gotta be tough on myself like that. Ha! I do hope you like them :)

  2. Talk about an overachiever! Congrats but what a lot of work.


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