From the Junk Drawer (WOYWW)

Feeling a little motivated this morning, I pulled out one of my junk drawers. This one is literally labeled JUNK as it doesn't fit into any of my other junky categories (keys, charms, rhinestones, buckles, etc.).

After sorting through it for a few minutes, I had this laid out on my desk.
Mysterious huh? (Sorry for the quality of the pictures. It was dark and I used my phone.)

It's all very organized in my eyes.

On the left is my junk drawer.

Along the top are some items I want to solder for various reasons.
There's a lot of safety pins in the mix because I want to make them even more safe by soldering them closed. That'll make me feel better about using them in jewelry.

Along the right are the pieces for two possible necklaces.

The bolt-like thing on the top is on its own as it looks something like a bail to me. The other pieces may likely come together in some sort of tassel assemblage piece.

In the center of my desk were some watch backs. I realized there were a ton of them in the drawer. As I pulled them into a pile, I saw that they would be perfect for a statement necklace of some kind. But, first they need holes.
After making an arrangement that made me happy, I marked where I want holes and numbered some of the pieces. That wonderful man-of-mine will use the drill press to make the holes for me. And, this picture and the numbers will serve as fabulous reminder of this arrangement.

Now to actually pull all this together and make some jewelry! Do you see jewelry here, or do you just see junk?

I'm linking up on The Stamping Ground for What's on You Workdesk Wednesday.


  1. Hi there. I don't think I have been over to your desk before - but then, I have been mIA recently... You are certainly going to be busy with your "junk". Have fun.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #6

  2. The piece that looks like it's from overalls looked like a french horn to me in the first full desk shot. 😊 And all of the watch backs reminded me that I'd like to find a large solid pin to glue a picture of a ragdoll cat onto, to improve my Professor Umbridge costume before this weekend. Haha

    1. I'm guessing that piece is from overalls too. The fact that you saw a french horn doesn't surprise me at all! ;)

      I meant to talk to you tonight about the pin for your costume but it slipped my mind. I'm sure we could come up with something if you need me to. I've got pin backs (I think) and flat surfaces!
      Good luck either way!

  3. Now that is some awesome junk! Do you go around scavenging stuff from various places or is it given to you? I have a friend that goes to salvation army stores, laundry mats and picks through lost and found stuff. Awesome projects. Vickie #11

  4. I certainly see 'treasure' rather than junk. What a fabulous drawer you have - love all those little pieces and can see them coming together for some jewellery. Look forward to seeing a finished piece or two.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

    1. Oh yes! I consider all my finds treasures too. I just call these 'junk' because they don't fit in any of my other categories. I actually like junk more than precious metals. Here's hoping I get some pieces finished soon for sharing! Oh, the pressure!! eek! ;)
      Thank you for stopping by!

  5. I am not a jewelry maker but I can see the starts of something. hope we see the results next week. thanks for stopping by already. Helen #1

  6. Thanks for visiting earlier, I had a streak of ambition set in and I started cleaning the garage, which lead to outside clean up. Fall is messy but the colors here have been wonderful. Great photos of fun things in that junk drawer. Have fun creating and enjoy a fun week.

  7. I can see the beginnings of some sort of jewellery. I hope you show us how it turned out!

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #34

    1. Sharon,
      Yay!! I'll definitely work to try to get something done to share next week. I'm horrible at starting but not finishing. With my soldering iron waiting on my desk, I hope to get back at it first thing in the morning!
      Thanks for swinging by!

  8. Ooooh... OOOOh... OOOOH! This is so outside my creative box... lots of lovely shapes and textures... It really doesn't matter what I see (or don't see) I jsut want to see what YOU do with all this shine metal!! Grin Thanks for the visit and lovely comment you left me earlier and Happy WOYWW from Lynne in Canada #3

  9. You really can handle junk :) I'd love to see what you do with these pieces, especially the watch backs!

  10. Ooh how interesting - I'm very keen to see what you will do with it. Sometimes the most peculiar things become treasures don't they!! Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #18

  11. Your junk drawer is full of treasures! I can see how they would work as jewellery, but they would also look great on mixed media canvases! Thanks for visiting earlier! zsuzsa #22

    1. Zsuzsu, Oh yay! I'm so glad you see treasures too. I do have quite a bit that will eventually work its way into mixed media canvases (once I get brave enough to do so.) I'm glad you see that as well! Thanks so much for popping in also!

  12. WOW! What a fantastic collection of ephemera, just waiting to find out what you do with the pieces

    Belated Happy WOYWW

    No. 33

    1. I do love my collections! I finally got started pulling some of it together late today. Hopefully I'll have something to show by next week! Thanks so much for popping in!

  13. Hi Hope, I am intrigued to see the finished project.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #15

  14. What an interesting collection of 'junk' :-) I look forward to seeing some of the jewellry you make with some of your collection. Thanks for visiting me and your kind comments. Anne x #23

  15. I do hope we get to see what you do with this gorgeous collection. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy belated woyww, Angela x 17

    1. Angela, I do hope I get something finished to actually show!! eek! Pressure. I will definitely share what I get done. Thanks so much for taking the time to swing by!

  16. Mm the sidebar on your blog interferes with commenting I lost the first one because something changed on it, quite weird. Thanks very much for popping over and saying hi.
    ..... your query re the giant lemon, I took it up to my sister's. I'm enjoying my big bunch of sweet peas today, they're ever so lovely. Fragrance fills the house.
    Must admit I scrolled down to see what you did with the bits and bobs your recycle and you do make some lovley pieces so glad you can upcyclelike that, acrafty creation of worth, well done.
    Would like to see how the watch backs turn out! Shaz in Oz.x 31

  17. Fabulous stash of "junk"! Do you pull the watches apart and use the interesting bits from inside?

  18. I agree metal bits and pieces are definitely treasures. Can't wait to see what you create. thanks for your visit and lovely comments.
    sandra de @28

  19. I'm very much intrigued by everything, I hope you'll share when you're finished, have a great weekend, Vicky

    1. Vicky, I hope I get finished! Ha!! Actually, I'm working on the first project right now, hoping I get something done worth showing!! Thanks so much for coming a by!

  20. Certainly some serious junk going on there, can't wait to see what you do with it. Thanks for the visit BJ#21

  21. What a fascinating post, Hope, and what a glorious collection of bits and pieces! I'm a bit of a hoarder of stuff like this (part of the "it might come in useful" syndrome lol!) so I certainly don't see it as junk! I do hope you will share with us what you do with it it's fascinating!

    Thank you for your lovely comment - my hubby went to Mum's home again today and came home doing another impression of the awful old lady next door to her - I find it hard to believe there's actually someone more awful than Mum lol lol!! But it seems there is! Thank you for your kind words - so glad you like my digital art. The iPad Pro and Apple Pencil combo are so natural to use that you almost forget you're not working with pen and paper. As for my health, I think I'm over the gastroenteritis now but saw the doctor yesterday and am now on anticoagulants for the pulmonary embolisms and they've discovered I've got a hernia around my stoma, so more ongoing problems! Got to keep smiling though, haven't you!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #41

    1. Shoshi,
      I've got a necklace complete with some of the treasures and am waiting (still) for the hubs to drill those holes for me. But, I'll definitely try to share what I get done next week!
      I'm glad they at least know what's causing the pain around your stoma. Hopefully it can be treated so you can start getting past it.
      Wishing you all the best!! Thank you for popping in!!

  22. I see both jewelry and junk. I can't wait to see your finished pieces! Sorry I'm so late! Have a great week! Heather (waywardgypsy) #51?

    1. Ha, I guess I do too. Otherwise I wouldn't have named this post as I did. I've got one necklace down and am waiting for Mr Man to get those holes drilled for me. I figured that would be my biggest hold up, he gets so involved in his own projects. Thanks so much for swinging by!

  23. You are a kindred spirit! I adore cogs, gears, engineering bits and pieces etc. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing how the jewellery turns out!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxxx

  24. Not junk!! Lots of fantastic findings full of wonder and possibility!!!

  25. I like your Junk drawer!
    Everything can be useful... ;-D

    Have a great weekend!

    and Thank you for visiting me!
    from SusanLotus nr 32 WOYWW.

  26. Ooooh wowwww, Junk-Jewelry! Yes, I can see it come together (although I could not create that myself) I'm so curious to see the finished pieces, you will post them don't you?!! Have a great Sunday, love from Holland. Marit #24

    1. Marit,
      Thanks for popping in! I'm glad you see it too. I was able to pull together a necklace so far and hope to show it off soon. Now I'm waiting for those holes to be drilled. I don't think that one will come together as fast. Thanks so much for your kind words. :)

  27. Hi. What a great junk drawer! I can't wait to see what you create!!
    Thanks for visiting me earlier this week. Happy WOYWW
    Kay (44)

  28. Oh I am SO pleased I am not the only one who has these types of drawers! I have broken my soldering iron and am almost out of resin so my junk drawer appears to be getting bigger and bigger! Looking forward to seeing what the finished necklace looks like.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already

    1. Kyla, Oh no about the soldering iron and resin. At least you'll have a nice big supply when those issues get remedied!! Thank YOU for popping by as well :)

  29. Well, that's an interesting desk this week! Nice to see something a little bit different... Can't wait to see what you come up with jewellery-wise.

    Thanks for stopping by,

    Morti @ 40

    1. Morti, Yes, different. I've definitely been known to be a bit different indeed ;)
      I should have a necklace to share, but that's as far as I've gotten so far. Eeek. I guess I need to get to work! Thank you for popping in too!

  30. Very clever idea to use old keys to make earrings!
    They are lovely.

    Thank you for visiting me last week on WOYWW!
    Time flied to fast and I missed the whole event...

    Have a wonderful creative week and maybe I´ll see
    you tomorrow...



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