Birthday Desk (WOYWW)

Once again, I'm joining up with other crafty and talented individuals to share our work desks at Stamping Ground for What's on your Workdesk Wednesday.

Before I reveal my desk, let me show what became of some of the junk on my desk from last week.
This necklace was made with those bits.

Here's a better look.

Now for my desk. It's a little less crafty.
Sigh, lots of to do lists. But, if you look there on the left you see my little pile of bags. I've spent the last couple of days doing some shopping with my birthday money. 

Here's what I picked up.
Let's see...the Tim Holtz stamps (and stencil) were on sale at Michael's. Above them is a rhinestone assortment and some washi tape from Hobby Lobby.  Along the top, next to the washi tape is a button stamp and some masks. There are two galaxy markers I got that the dollar spot at Target. I'm not sure how they'll work, but figured I'd try. Then, there are a couple of dies and a die/stamp set from Tuesday Morning. Finally, some little Prima girls and rust-colored Gilder's paste.

I also got a few jewelry supplies.
I found the ear wires and bead caps at Tuesday Morning and the rhinestone spacers on clearance at Hobby Lobby.

So that's my desk for the week. I've still got a little more birthday money and am trying to decide what else I need. Gimmie some recommendations. What's the craft supply you couldn't live without?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi Hope, you got some great stuff there!Love all your new supplies. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #1 xxx

    1. Shaz, I think so too! And, that doesn't even count some of the items ordered and bought yesterday! Ha!! Thanks so much for popping in!

  2. Gorgeous jewelry! And a sale on necessary items too! Nice Halloween paper supplies. The Holtz never goes on sale here. Keep smiling and creating.

    1. Pam, Thanks so much! Yes. I do love me a good sale. I don't have much Halloween stuff, so I thought it was the perfect time to pick some up! What a shame that the TH never goes on sale. :( Of course, I'm sure you can find all kinds of stuff that I couldn't, so there's that! Thanks for the sweet comment and dropping in.

  3. Happy birthday! You did so well on the shopping, and the necklace is gorgeous. Happy Wednesday! Sandy Leigh #44

    1. Sandy, Thank you!! I appreciate you taking the time to pop in and see my desk. I hope to get to yours soon! :)

  4. O-o-o-ohhh! Lots of new things to play with! Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #49

    1. Lindart, Yes! And, I got even more yesterday. Just hopping around the desks has reminded me of a few more items I'd like to get. . .I think I'm going to spend all my birthday money on craft supplies. Ha! Thanks for the birthday wishes and for popping in!

  5. Wow, that is stunning necklace - very unique! Love the little paintbrush charm. I also like the paper mached bust you displayed it on. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #24

    1. Zsuzsu, Oh, I'm so glad you like the necklace. The paintbrush really did work in perfectly. My mannequin was just covered in dictionary paper a few months ago. She was actually a flesh-tone plastic and super shiny. I've had for ages, planning on altering her and finally got around to it. I think she looks much better now. I'm pleased you agree! Thanks for swinging by!

  6. Looks like you found lots of bargain goodies Hope! The necklace turned out awesome! I LOVE the one I bought from you! Happy Crafting!

  7. Well, at the moment my Misti is my most used and useful crafting product. Got a bit of a shake on my left hand (luckily i a right handed) but the ~Misti certainly helps out with any shakes people might have.
    Love your shopping, wish we had Michaels, Joannes and Hobby Lobby, my favourite stores when I go to America.
    Great jewellery make too - reminds me of when I used to do some fab jewellery make ups with Ranger at CHA.
    Hugs & Thanks for coming to see me
    Neet 2 xx

    1. Neet, I had a feeling someone was going to mention the Misti. I just learned about it last week while hopping desks. I think I need to do a little more research on it and see some videos to see if it would be useful for me as well. Thanks for the input!! What a shame not to have the chain stores. I do have to drive a bit of a ways to get to most of them (hit JoAnne's yesterday while I was a few towns over) and that's probably a really good thing! I bet you have some other great stores though that we don't have here. It's a case of "the other side of the fence" I'm sure.
      Thank you so much for your kind comment about the necklace. Especially if it reminds you of Ranger. . .I do love their stuff!
      Thank YOU for stopping by as well! :)

  8. Wow - some great finds! I love the Tim Holtz stamp. Looks like fun. Your necklace looks wonderful.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #42

    1. Sharon, I'm pleased that you approve of the recent purchases. I'm pretty happy with them myself. Now to actually USE THEM!! Thank you for your sweet words and for taking the time to check out my desk!

  9. Hello Hope! Thanks for the visit! Look at you and your're a busy gal! LOVE your necklace...gorgeous and so many goodies! WOW!

    1. Anita, Thank YOU for the visit! ;) I do stay very busy. My desk right now is out of control! I'm so pleased you like my necklace! Yay! Thanks again for dropping in!

  10. Good birthday buys! I have that little floral wreath stencil too.
    I do like your necklace very much!
    Have a good week.

    1. RosA, Isn't that little stencil the cutest? I'm not sure how I'll use it yet, but it had to come home with me! Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to pop by! :)

  11. thx for sharing your necklace, lovely to see how it turned out, very nicely! Great new stash, and it is not always what we need but sometimes what we want :-) I think I couldn't live without paint. Have a great week using your new supplies, Vicky

    1. Vicky, Oh, thank you! I just had to share it, so many asked to see how the pieces on my desk turned out. And, thank you for your very true statement about need vs. want. I probably needed that reminder. Thanks for dropping in!

  12. Hi Hope, Beautiful necklace.

    You are going to be kept out of mischief with all the new stash to play with;)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #19

  13. Ohhh the necklace has turned out beautifully. You must be very pleased:0 Love the goodies you been able to pick up with your birthday $. I am sure you are going to put it all to great use.
    sandra de @25

  14. Lovely desk, fab makes - curious about the power cable!

    Belated Happy WOYWW

    No. 34

    1. Kathyk, Oh thank you! As for the power cable, my desk is in the middle of the room. While I do have a 6-way on the floor, my cell charger cord is too short so I have an extension cord pulled up there for it. Nothing exciting! Ha. Thanks for popping in!

  15. Firstly, I love the necklace you've made - the way you've put together the amethyst beads with the steampunky stuff is genius! Great birthday money stash too - I love having presents like that, I never think that vouchers are a soft option prezzy wise. I love spending them, it's like free money :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xxx

  16. Love the assemblage pendant! Everything looks absolutely in its place and is so unique! As to the desk, I love a desk covered with new buys! Unfortunately, there are lots of supplies I can't live without - my wire, my beads, tools... If we have to go some place for a longer period of time, I usually bring some wire, tools and beads even if I never come to use them.

  17. Hi Hope thanks for the visit to mine. I think you have collected some very useful stash there and look forward to seeing what you do with them. Happy belated woyww, Angela x 20

    1. Angela, I do hope I can figure out what to do with all of it too! Thanks for the birthday wishes and for popping in. It's much appreciated. :)

  18. Happy Birthday Hope. Those look like such fun goodies you picked up and Imight add your necklace you made is beautiful. Oh that reminds me I have to double check my to do list also as soon as one thing gets checked off a few more items are Thanks for visiting me earlier and have a great week. Hugs ~Anne L#9

    1. Anne, Thank you! So glad you like my goodies and my necklace! Yes, to do lists will keep you hopping for sure. I wouldn't know what to do without mine! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Your jewellery is lovely and I love the stencils you got too. Thanks for the visit. BJ#39

  20. Oh no. Not more stash to tempt me..... LOL Love the necklace you made, it's lovely!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Morti @ 23

    1. Morti, Sorry!!! Ha, ha. I know that feeling for sure. I'm so pleased you like the necklace too. And, thank YOU! :D

  21. Thanks for your visit earlier, life is settling back down now.
    Love that mauve necklace, very clever.
    Take care
    Christine #27

  22. If you do not have a Misti the coolest thing about that is when you do make say some mixed media background or what ever, you can stamp that sentiment ( or anything) over and over until it looks perfect so there is no more get to the end and toss the whole thing because of a misstamp. :) Happy Birthday to you! thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy #48

    1. Stacy, I don't have the Misti. I'm definitely going to have to look it up on YouTube and see how it works. Just seeing it on desks doesn't give me much of an idea of how it works. But, so many deskers have proclaimed its awesomeness that it has to be pretty cool. Thanks so much back at you for stopping by too. :)

  23. You sound like me, I shop Tuesday Mornings, HL, Michaels, and JoAnns. I even check in at Marshalls, and find stuff hidden behind things! Even Dollar Tree sometimes yields a "gem". Great haul you have there.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. Sorry I am so late! #50 ( I actually thought I had already been here, but couldn't find my comment.)

    1. Sharon, I wish we had a Marshall's so I could add another place to the list. However, we do have a local scrapbook store and I hit them up for the stencils, gilder's paste, and Prima girls. You are right about the Dollar Tree. Every once in a while they do have something surprising. Thank you for stopping by, even if it was back by. ;)

  24. Hopelessly behind with my WOYWW visits - again! Fab necklace and lots to snoop on your desk! x Jo

  25. some lovely craft supplies and a great necklace you made. What is the one supply I could not live without? Difficult, I think my paints as I can use them on paper, fabric, leather, wood, metal....and even mix with glues etc.
    thanks for visiting my desk already

    1. Kyla, Good point about the paints. Are there any that are your favorites? I tend to buy whatever's cheapest, though I know that's not the best method. (I've learned this lesson far too many times, but it never seems to stick.) Thank you for the kind words and for stopping by also! :)


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