Custom Wall Unit to TV Stand Transformation

Since I mentioned the most recent home improvement we've done on the house, I figured I ought to show off one of my favorites to date. There were a few peeks on Instagram back when the project was in progress and completed. However, I didn't share the whole process. Since it's been something like 12 weeks since I started on the project (geez Hope!), I think it's time for you to see.
That's the completed TV as it sits in the living room this minute. Let's start at the beginning.

When we bought the house, we had a feeling that the previous owner would leave some things behind. There was just so much on the property. We were quite right - as you can see in the posts here and here and here.

In my house tour, you got to see this wall unit that was left in the living room.
It was the base for what was to become our TV stand.

Oh, just so you can get an idea of the sheer size of the unit, here's a picture of the same wall right now.

Fortunately, the whole unit was on casters so we were able to roll it around the room while I painted. Pat got a friend to help him haul it outside. Somewhere in that process we realized it was a custom unit and super solid. It would be a shame to waste it, but it was just too massive for us. At that point, an idea struck to cut away what we didn't want/need and use the bottom center portion as a TV stand. (we really wanted to replace the super traditional couch table we had been using as a TV stand.)
The areas in red are what we Pat cut off the unit.

We also knew that the white paint and brassy handles and hinges were not to our taste. So, a trip to Home Depot was in order.

Pat suggested blue (and I had NO problem with that) but figuring out what shade was harder to tackle. He wanted to go with something kinda dark. However, as we went through the paint samples, I stumbled on this one.
I fell in love with the second from the bottom. It's called Aruba Blue and that seemed perfect since we vacationed in Aruba many moons ago.

While we were in the home improvement store, we picked up the hardware (handles and hinges) and some hardware cloth for the inserts on the cabinets. Once home, my job took full effect.
Yes, it was my job to paint. And, paint I did.

After that, Pat got the handles, hinges, and hardware cloth on the piece (I had planned on helping with that, but he jumped the gun on me.)
We wheeled it back into the living room and waited for someone strong enough to help lift the TV to come over to the house.

I shared this picture on Instagram of it with TV and some Christmas decorations.

However, it currently looks like this.

Oh, and here are some detail shots.
We went with the hardware cloth in the the center of the cabinets with the thought that we would put the BlueRay player and satellite box in there.
However, I'm still organizing the space and we'll see what happens. Right now I don't even have pictures on the walls (we just moved them from the other house.) I can't wait to get some decorations on the tv stand. But, I'm STILL trying to finish unpacking first.

The color just doesn't come across as beautifully as it does in person. Let me assure you, it's fabulous! I'm so happy we have the tv up off the floor and that we were able to use one of the many items that were left here. Upcycling for the win!

So, what do you think? Better right?

I think so.


  1. Hope-Great job repurposing the massive unit!

    1. Thanks Kathy! I was so upset to find it here when we got the keys, but am so glad we were able to work it into our space in the long run. It's much better than the stand we were using at the other house, much more our style!

  2. I wish we could find a free piece of furniture to accommodate the TV and all related appliances so neatly. Good choice of color - gives the room such a character!

  3. You picked a wonderful color Hope. It looks great. Is there a way to use the rest of the cabinet as storage? Maybe in your craft room?

    1. Good idea but unfortunately, the way Pat was able to take it apart didn't leave the original structure intact. He's got it out in the barn until he can decide what to do with it. Thanks for the suggestion though!

  4. Love the color and the wire door fronts! Great transformation Hope!

    1. Thanks Jenna. The color is really glorious. I wish I could get the actual color to come through in the photos but I hope you get the idea. And the wire fronts. . .it makes the whole piece feel lighter, airier or something. I'm pleased with it. Thanks for the support! I love your decorating style so it means so much to me that you like this! Yay!! :)


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