2016 Word of the Year and Goals

It's a whole new year full of new expectations and goals and possibilities!!

With a new year comes the want/need/desire to better ourselves in some way. I have some ideas of what I want for 2016 but they are the same things I want every day. As I mentioned in my 2015 year end review, I set about 2015 wanting to focus on several words to achieve the goal of empowerment. This year, while I still have much I want to accomplish, I want to make sure I take the time to SAVOR life and all that comes with it. Instead of several words that will eventually be forgotten along the way, this singe word will hopefully be my beacon for 2016. I've read so many snippets of articles about savoring food rather than binge-eating, appreciating small moments, enjoying the time you have with people. I think that's the focus I want to have for the year. But, I'm sure at some point I will get lost in the chaos of American life. It is our way.

In addition to savoring life (see. . .I'm already making things more complicated), I hope to set single weekly goals for myself. I don't yet have a list of 52 goals as I'm sure these will develop over time but some of the ones I have so far include:

  • create/start a blog calendar
  • use cameo to create earring backs/jewelry cards
  • learn to use my camera
  • learn to sew (take a class of some sort)
  • re-organize/update my blog
  • how to voice-over a video
  • learn more about options on youtube
  • Start using periscope
  • make a intro for youtube
  • make a welcome message/video for youtube
  • cut leather on the laser cutter
  • saw-cut metal into shapes
I think that's a pretty reasonable start.

And then there's this - Lately, I felt that I come to the end of a week and have accomplished nothing at all. To rid myself of that feeling, I want to push myself to complete some specific tasks each week: 
**get at least one piece of jewelry made
**get at least one blog post up
**complete one of the weekly goals above
**have one journal entry (art journal or written entry)
**make one altered playing card (there are 52 cards in a deck and 52 weeks in the year and this small scale feels less intimidating than larger mediums.)

Of course, my health, well-being, better eating, organization, and clean house are also recurring goals for me. But, I think about these things all day long. I need no goals to remember and guilt myself into doing them.

This post is already too long and complicated-sounding - when really I just want to simplify things for myself. I hope to take these goals day by day and week by week without putting too much pressure on myself. Wish me luck! 

What are your aspirations for 2016? 


  1. I love your list of dedicated weekly tasks! Too often, I have that same feeling at the end of the week - what exactly have I accomplished? This year I'm keeping my goals (and my motivations) close-by on my worktable so I can review them every week (and hopefully, check some of them off!)

  2. I love your 2016 word - we don't take time to savor life, too bad! It's a serious list of goals - bravo, I didn't dare to put my intentions on "paper" for public consideration :) Wish you stick to them, feel satisfied with what you do and enjoy your life, family and friends!


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