2015 Year End Review

I could say, "where has the year gone?" However, it's not quite over yet now is it? We have this one last day to accomplish all those goals, resolutions, and other unrealistic aspirations we set for ourselves a year ago. Ehhhh, yeah. . .one day's not going to do it for me. How about you?

What is it about New Year's Eve? It feels like both an ending and a beginning. (you know like how Sundays feel like the end of the week when they are really the beginning . . .or maybe the opposite of that.)

Before I get more philosophical and start worrying with what I want to accomplish in 2016, let's talk about 2015 first and close out this year.

Let's start with what posts were most popular each month this year.

Muffin Tin Jewelry Challenge Reveal
Creative Spark Winter 2015 Reveal
Reveal of My Shipwreck Dandy Destash Box
Journaling by 5s (Inspired by Shannon Green)
Happy Mail to the Max
Oh, the Excuses Just Keep Rolling In

(this was the ONLY post this month. Oops)
There were no images, just a video as I was suffering with vision issues.

Creative Spark Summer 2015 Contribution and Other News
Our New Home | The Beginning
Our New Home | Pool and Property
DIY Chalkboard with Mirror Tutorial
(the only post this month, other than this one!)
A Quick Catch up for December 2015
Big events for the year:

  • Got a booth at a local antique store
  • Bought a new house
  • Lost several family members and dear family friends
  • Turned 40
  • Have felt just completely lost in my head most of the time
  • And SO much more

2015's Words for the Year
Once again, I tried to set some goals for the year in some manner. Here's the picture I created to illustrate my intent.
As far as how I did. . .the new house and all that definitely distracted me from my aims.
I definitely felt more grateful this year and tried to remind myself often how blessed I am.
I'm not sure that I was very courageous, but I did take some steps in that direction.
Staying focused really did not happen much at all. Nope.
I can't say that I was very confident either. That's definitely one I want to continue to work on.
My creativity didn't really seem to fluctuate at all. Pushing on. . .
In all, I had hoped that the above words would help me empower myself. But, I dropped the ball.

2015 will forever be the year that we bought our "forever home." We searched for it on weekends, struggled to get the price and inspections where they needed to be, packed and prepped for the move, and began to settle in. I'm sure the coming year holds even more unexpected and happy surprises.

And now, it's time to roll in the new year in style. . .Roll Tide Roll!

How did 2015 treat you?
Have a happy, wonderful, and safe evening as you welcome in 2016.

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