What's on Your Workdesk Wedneday (WOYWW)

I'm desperately trying to get so much done that it feels like I'm not accomplishing anything. I don't even know how that's possible. With so much going on, my desk feels a little schizophrenic at the moment.
At left is my to do list, then some beads in a muffin tin, and washi tape at the far right.
Here's a better look at some of what's going on.
I've re-filled one of my muffin tins and am SLOWLY getting some items made from it.

Then there's the pile of Valentine washi tape. . .just waiting for inspiration to strike.

As you can see, there's not much in process at the moment. Like I said, nothing's getting done. Blarg! Hopefully once I check off, 'blog post' from my to do list I can engulf myself in creating. . .oh wait, laundry first. Anyway, I'll be linking up this post with What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday at Stamping Ground.

What's covering your work area at the moment and are you getting anything done?


  1. It's 12 hours since I posted my picture and nothing has changed...or been touched.ah well, at least laundry, ironing and food shopping has been done! You seem to have a colour plan going on in the muffin tin, so am guessing it's time and not inspiration that's against you, so you're half way there!

    1. Julia, Oh- how I know the pain of having other priorities get in the way of some creative time. And yes, time is always a factor as well as general distractions. The tin helps because I always know what my next project is! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by! :)

  2. hope the muse was with you once you had posted - I get a similar problem - always lots of ideaswhen I have no time & no ideas when I have the time !!!Ali #21

    1. Ali, I did get a necklace finished but have been distracted with other projects. It sounds like we have the exact same problem for sure!! Thanks so much for popping in!

  3. Well, I've got a half painted secretary in my family room, and instead of getting it finished, we're going to the coast tomorrow for the weekend...does that make you feel any better :)

    1. Jenna, No. . .I wanna go to the beach with you now. Of course, we might just. We have a free weekend for the first time in ages and a walk on the beach might be perfect. Here's hoping you enjoy yourself!

  4. Mmm beads in a muffin tin. That's a new one on me. I take it you are using the tin whilst you sort out some beads for a project.
    Lots of washi tape too - happy Valentines me thinks.
    Hugs, Neet 1 (with a very sore finger preventing her typing properly)

    1. Neet, You are correct. Each cup hold some ingredients for a different project. It's an easy way to keep them sorted, but still have a project at the ready when I complete one. Yes. . .a happy Valentines, if I can ever get my butt in gear. No worries about the typing, I have no sore finger and still have to keep hitting the backspace button. Ha! Thanks for hopping by!

  5. I hope you find your mojo. I know I am willing to do housework when I can't come up with a crafty project. ugh. April #67

    1. Thanks April! I don't know if I'm ever 'willing' to do housework, but I do know it's a necessity so I do it begrudgingly. I appreciate you taking the time to swing by! :)

  6. I have "to do" lists within my "to do" lists...know them well. Good luck, hope you get properly creative soon. Thanks for the visit to my desk already. #8

    1. Belinda, Oh yes, those second tier lists. I also know them well. I finally got a necklace made and some canvases gessoed, but have otherwise been distracted. I'm hoping to get my mojo (and housework) back tomorrow. Fingers crossed! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my space.

  7. I love your collection of washi tape - you've got some gorgeous designs there , just perfect for Valentines day! I like your idea of using a muffin tin to put all your little bits in when working - keeps everything to hand and under control! Thanks so much for stopping by my desk, hope you have a great week,
    Diana #31

  8. Lots of goodies and new stash to make lovely things with there, Hope!! Love the Valentine washi tapes. Really pretty.

    Thank you for your lovely supportive comment on my blog. Your kind words, and especially your prayers, mean so much to me! I feel very uplifted by the prayers of so many around the world. As for my embroidery, you are very kind! I still have to look up how to do different stitches (apart from Shi-sha and one or two easy ones!). If I have inspired you to take up your needle again, that's absolutely great! I could ask for nothing better! I'm so glad you like my little pieces. I am hoping that when they are en masse in the completed project that they will look nice and rich.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #48

    1. Shoshi, Thanks for your time checking out my mess. ;) You are very welcome. I'm sure your completed project is going to be stunning on your bed!

  9. My worktable is a terrible mess that I have to transfer to the cabinet in our newly painted and slightly refurnished craft/guest room. It's a lot of work and non-crafting time but I'm excited!

  10. I always love seeing what's on your worktable!
    Right now I'm researching for a blog post ways to get organized and de-clutter when you have chronic pain. So far, I think a lot of the advice also applies to anyone who feels overwhelmed with trying to get things done.

    1. Jill, Oh. . .I can't WAIT to see that post. I'm always looking for ways to stay organized. It's such a struggle even without the pain you have to deal with. Somehow I think I'm missing your blog posts and I have to figure out why my feed reader isn't picking them up. I'll catch up. I promise! :)

  11. Lovely washi tapes! And I can spy a domino in your muffin tin. I've been working with dominoes today too! I hope to see what you made with all of these next week! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #41

    1. Zsuzsu, Aren't those tapes fun!? There is indeed a domino. It's a pre-made pendant that I'm trying to work into a design. Now to just figure out what it wants to become. I do hope I have something to share next week. I don't want to disappoint. Thank YOU for popping in. :)

  12. Oh yes, I know that feeling. That always happens, when my todo list is too long. A nice bunch of washi tapes you got there, wonderful. Have fun with your goodies.
    Gabriele 44

    1. Gabriele, My to do list is always too long. It's chronic I believe. Those washi tapes will be fun once I settle down and get to them. Thanks so very much for dropping by.

  13. Oh my gosh, I'm still trying to clean my office after the aftermath of the holidays! I love you washi tape...I'm sure inspiration will strike soon with V-day coming up. Any ideas what you want to do with it? Jewelry related or paper projects? I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  14. I was actually productive yesterday and made a few pair of earrings and a bracelet so my area is pretty much cleaned up.

  15. Oooh, I love washi tape! And it seems to multiply too! Good luck with getting on with your projects :)
    Thanks for dropping by earlier too :)

  16. Well I've never used my muffin tins for storing/sorting small items - great idea. Pretty washi tapes. Hope you got some crafting done. Thanks for your visit Anita 42

  17. Clever use of the tin, and thanks for the valentines reminder... May have to sneak some time in to make one for the hubby sometime soon ... Thinking of a washi tape heart now I've seen your lovely collection!
    Thanks for sharing
    Catiecuddles #71

    1. Catie, I've definitely got to get down to business with the washi tape and the Valentine's. It's getting kinda close to the wire. A washi heart is exactly what I was thinking too. I appreciate you dropping by! :)

  18. I haven't made anything since the last 'We're All Ears Challenge. I did manage to tag lots of pieces and get them ready to be sold at my next show (hopefully)
    I've never used washi tape but it looks like fun.

  19. Hope you found your mojo.
    Thanks for visiting my desk already
    Kyla #16

    1. Kyla, I found some of it, but it's starting to wane again. Dang muse keeps disappearing! ;) Thanks for popping by here!

  20. You have worded so well what I feel about my desk. A list as long as from here to Tokyo and not knowinf
    What to do first. Prep done for several things but nothing done. Yep, schizophrenic sums it up......
    We've had terrible gales for a few days with almost constant intermittent power outs. So I didn't get to do much visiting. I'm trying to catch up now.
    Have a good week,

    1. Ha! Such a relief that I'm not the only one with this issue. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by. Here's hoping the weather gets better. :)


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