An Ephemera Haul at the Library

If you've visited my blog a few times, you might recognize my penchant for found objects, thrifted finds, and ephemera. I've openly admitted my tendency to pick up items from the ground. I have a long list of posts under the tag thrift scores. With my new art journal obsession, I've more and more discovered the value of ephemera.

Shoot, before I was art journaling, I couldn't resist the pull of old papers. This particular compulsion swept over me completely as I was leaving the Fairhope Public Library the other day. Right in the lobby (outside the doors to the library and the book store) they have a couple of carts labeled "FREE BOOKS".

In addition to books, there are usually a few stacks of magazines and other paper materials. I always stop and take a gander at what's up for grabs. This week, I discovered a stack of ephemera and the price was so right. . .free!! I flipped through the stack hurriedly and saw that it was mostly maps. I scooped up the whole pile, balanced them on top of my library books, and precariously made my way to the car.

At home, I did a little more thorough sorting to discover a plethora of maps from National Geographic.

These seem to be dated from the 1960s-1980s and cover a variety of subjects: birds, space, water, and regions.

In addition to the NG maps, there were a few even older maps. On the outside of some of them are handwritten descriptions with a date. The earliest is dated 1906.

Lastly, there were also travel guides, old pamphlets, and road maps.

As with all the ephemera I tend to drag home, I have no idea exactly what I'll do with these treasures. However, I'm so glad I've given them a new home for the time being. Does your library or local bookstore have a free cart? What have you saved from the landfill?


  1. I have to admit that before I opened your post I had to look up ephemera :) I have never heard that word before! Then I opened your post and you graciously supplied the definition~ very cool! You are going to have great fun with the treasure trove of maps you found! Create away!

    1. Jenna, I remember the first time I read the word too. From that point on, I've been smitten with the term. It makes all the paper mess I have all over the place sound a little more fancy! Ha.

  2. Awesome stuff! I'll need to check out my local library. Out of curiosity (since I've started becoming a collector, myself!) -- how do you store and organize all these bits and pieces?

    1. Megan, I'll admit that my organization of it isn't that great. I have a small bookshelf that's mostly paper (scrapbook paper, blank cards, vintage greeting cards, thrifted photos, scraps, notebooks, doodles, whatever.) I have a few baskets, shoe boxes, office in-boxes, file folders, etc. shoved onto this shelf to separate some of it, but some of the newer stuff is actually in a stack on the floor for the time being. All my thrifted books are on another bookshelf (with some other craft supplies) in a closet. It's chaos around here!! ;)

  3. What treasures you found! I'm right there with you loving found and free items...I just made a trip to our local library today where they are having their winter book sale upstairs. Each book was a quarter each. I brought home as many as I could hold in my arms! Enjoyed the post!

  4. What a treasure! I love maps. I bet you'll find some wonderful project on Pinterest! I can't wait to see what you do with them.

    1. Kim, I just like paper. My house has become somewhat of a fire hazard due to all my collecting! One day I'll find a way to use it all. Of course, by then I will have collected more!

  5. Replies
    1. I know! I was totally stoked. Of course, I felt like I was doing something wrong as I hauled all this out of the library. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was going to stop me. Lol.

  6. Lucky you! Our library is so small but they do get rid of some paperback books but that' about all. I can't wait to see what you do with your haul.

  7. I love the maps! What a great haul you discovered. I can see all sorts of things with maps and mod podge,

  8. MAPS!!! Of course the first thing I think of is "What are they worth?" A lot of people have good luck selling maps. I'm going to start checking the free cart! What a great score!

    1. Lorraine, I don't even consider the worth. The dated ones will be treasured for a while but the NG ones are likely to end up in art journals. I love the free carts. I can't leave the library without giving it a quick once-over. Maybe I shouldn't be revealing my secrets ;) Ha!

  9. What a great score! Yet another reason to make a trek to the library -- maybe I'll luck into a discovery one tenth as cool as yours. Can't wait to see all the delights you create with these treasures.


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