Taking Photos

Yesterday I was having one of those days when I was determined to be productive. I was definitely going to get some pictures taken. Definitely. And since I always like to see into others' process/work-method/day-to-day style, I thought I'd share some of mine with you.

Over a month ago, I shared my pile of finished jewelry, a pile that was waiting to be photographed. I finally made a very small dent in this pile yesterday.

I start the process of photographing by pulling out my photo tent. Pat got this for me for Christmas a few years ago. It's a Square Perfect Studio in a Box Kit. I love how it folds down into this convenient size. (Oh, and the cat hair is not included, repeat...the cat hair does not come with the kit. My cat is just a magnet for anything black.)

See how thin it is!

I've found that the best place for me to set up the studio is on my kitchen bar since the height is good for me and there's plenty of room to spread out. The tent comes together easily and the two lights are included in the kit. There's also a tri-pod that's perfect for a small point and shoot camera. I'll admit that I don't use it since I have a bigger camera. But I think it's great that it comes with one.

Once I get the kit set up in the kitchen, I start pulling out the props. Here's a quick shot of just some of my props spread all over the place.

I won't go into what all I use for props/backgrounds as I'm not completely happy with the ones I've got. There's this GREAT blog post at the Art Bead Scene Blog about photo backgrounds by Penny of Sparrow Salvage (from 2011 - eek!) that I really want to study more (and then immediately run out to the thrift store to buy some rustic, grungy, tattered, crackled awesomeness). So. . .my backgrounds may change before too long.

Anyway, that's just a little peek at one of my processes. The next step for me will be editing all those dang photos (maybe). It's going to take me a while to get through all of that pile!

What equipment are you using to take product photos?


  1. sigh. I have one of those piles I need to get through, and this time of year is so hard to find good natural light!

    1. Cynthia- Good lick with your pile too! Yeah, the light has been finicky here too. That's why I had Pat get me the light box a few years back. Waiting for the sun to cooperate was just too much for me.

  2. I got a light box a few years ago but I am lazy about setting it up. I tend to just wait for the perfect time of day (if it's sunny) and take photos on my kitchen table!

  3. I have the same light box (no logo on the front - but otherwise identical to yours). I use it this time of year, when Mother Nature is in her dark mood. I always need to brighten the photos when I use it though. I am not a "photographer", so I don't know how to adjust my camera settings. Just point and shoot, and hope for the best.


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